Dayspring Christian Academy seeks to educate the 所有的孩子. 在我们的学前班,我们根据 原理方法 方法. The 原理方法 is America’s historic method of education that was prevalent during the founding era of our nation. 我们的私立学前教育项目提供:
简介 字母. Students learn a Bible hero for each letter of the 字母, culminating with Bible character day—complete with costume!
适龄 学术课程 交织在一起,根植于神的话语,包括:
有指导的自由游戏, incorporating principles of self-government, order, and unity.
循环时间, 包括歌曲, 日历(查看日期), 模式, 和数字顺序), 天气, 颜色, 和圣经故事.
日常艺术和工艺项目 designed to reinforce the history, science, Bible, and literature focus.
深入 领域的研究 are a vital part of Dayspring’s 原理逼近法 of education. The following 领域的研究 are offered to our 学前教育 students:
下面是我们忙碌的早晨的时间表. Our teacher may flex the schedule from time to time as suits a given class.
8:00 | 到达,中心,引导自由游戏 |
8:15 | 开场圈:问候、日历和天气(显示) & (只限星期四) |
8:35 | 圣经,诗歌,背诵经节 |
9:05 | Playground (天气 permitting) or Guided Free Play In Classroom |
9:25 | 零食 |
9:40 | 文学/历史时间表 |
9:55 | 音乐 & 运动 |
10:10 | 数学 |
10:25 | 艺术活动还是科学 & 探索 |
10:45 | 闭幕环节:复习、祷告和诗歌 |
收拾好,排好队 | |
11:00 | 父母皮卡 |
"给我留下了深刻的印象 by Dayspring Christian Academy, 这里有一些原因:首先, I’ve been very impressed by the level of professionalism and care in the staff. I’ll never forget how my son’s preschool teacher cried as she prayed over our kids at preschool graduation. The teachers also hold children to high standards of responsibility. The principle of “self government” is taught at an early age, and a child is taught to understand that they have responsibility for their own actions.
Another thing I love is that children are taught critical thinking and public speaking starting at a young age. 在幼儿园 & 一年级, kids memorize poems that they recite in front of the other classes, 二年级的时候, 孩子们开始写“演说词”,” a speech they write themselves on a topic of their choosing, 他们会在课前做报告.
最后, I love how they incorporate the teachings of Scripture into all subjects, 以及如何用圣经的世界观来评价人生. 《BCK体育注册官网》记忆在“黎明”也很重要.
我从来没有听说过任何一所学校和黎明学校一样. 作为一名家长,我对此印象深刻."
我们为您和您的孩子提供私人旅游. 另外, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school 在黎明 through our visitation program. 打电话给卡罗尔·黑斯廷斯 717-285-2000 或使用下面的按钮注册.